This Friday in science we learned about different plant life cycles, including flowing plants, seed plants, and cone plants. In my room we focused on cone plants, and got to do some fun pinecone observations!
We started out by discussing and writing down predictions about what part of a pinecone was needed to grown new pine trees, what kind of adaptations pinecones had to protect themselves from weather and animals, and what we thought would happen if a pinecone got wet. It was really cool to hear about their predictions, and the connections they made between animal adaptations and pine cone adaptations.
Then it was time to observe! Since we are scientists we had to make many observations and comparisons between dry pine cones and wet pine cones, as well as other parts of the pinecone using our senses- sight, touch, smell and strong adjectives. I set up stations and the students moved to each one with their magnifying glasses.
It was very cool to see the pinecones closing up in water before our eyes, and they had a lot of fun picking them apart and learning about all the different parts and adaptations. I was very impressed with their observations and the wonderful adjectives they used to describe the cones, too!